The Origin of Laughing Jack: Gangsta edition

it aint nuthin but Chrizzle Eve up in snowy 1800’s London, England, n' up in a lil' small-ass doggy den all up in tha edge of town, there lived a lonely, seven-year-old pimp named Isaac. Isaac was a fucked up lil pimp wit not a gangbangin' playa ta his name. While most lil pimps was kickin it wit they crews n' eagerly lookin forward ta openin tha presents dat was placed wit care beneath a funky-ass dopely decorated Chrizzle tree, lil Isaac dropped dis most holy of nights alone, up in his cold, dusty attic room. Isaac’s muthafathas was straight-up skanky, his crazy-ass mutha was a strict crow of a biatch whoz ass stayed up in da crib n' schooled Isaac yo. His daddy hit dat shiznit long minutes down all up in tha London harbour ta support his crew, although a big-ass portion of his wild lil' fuckin earnings went toward purchasin n' consumin copious amountz of brew all up in tha end of his shift. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sometimes, da thug would come home faded, afta bein thrown outta every last muthafuckin bar up in London, n' shout at his beloved hoe, Isaac’s mother.
Occasionally, it would escalate ta violins n' da thug would beat her savagely, then when da thug was done, he’d force his dirty ass upon her up in a thugged-out fadeden, horny-ass rage fo' realz. As it so happens, dis particular night was one of dem occasions. Isaac just remained on tha fuckin' down-low, quiverin beneath his soiled bed sheets until tha screams n' bangin bangs subsided. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Once skanky frightened Isaac was finally able ta fall asleep, he’d trip of what tha fuck it would be like ta git a gangbangin' playa ta play with, so maybe his schmoooove ass could laugh n' be aiiight like tha other lil pimpz of London. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Luckily fo' lil Isaac, dis Chrizzle Eve marked a funky-ass big-ass chizzle, when his thugged-out abysmal lonelinizz caught tha attention of a guardian angel, whoz ass then crafted a straight-up special gift fo' tha fucked up lil London boy.
As tha sun rose on dat Chrizzle morning, Isaac opened his wild lil' fuckin eyes ta find a strange wooden box chillin all up in tha foot of his bed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! With eyes widened up in awe, da perved-out muthafucka stared all up in tha colorful, hand crafted box, wonderin whoz ass had left it yo. Dude was not used ta receivin gifts, especially toys. What lil toys Isaac did have was ones he’d found abandoned up in tha street or washed up in tha gutters. Isaac scooted up ta tha foot of his bed up in front of tha mysterious box n' picked it up wit both hands. Da box was dopely painted up in colorful styles, wit carvingz of aiiight clown faces on tha side. There was a tag on tha box dat simply read "For Isaac." On tha top of tha box was a engraved text.
Isaac squinted his wild lil' fuckin eyes as da perved-out muthafucka sounded up tha lyrics, "L-laugh-ing-J-Jack-in-a-b-box…" he paused, "…Bustin up Jack-in-a-box?" Isaac had heard of a Jack-in-a-box yo, but never a Bustin up Jack-in-a-box yo. His mind spun wit curiositizzle as he grasped tha box’s metal crank. Isaac tuned tha crank n' tha cold lil' woo wop Pop Goes Da Weasel chimed up in rhythm wit tha crank’s gyrations fo' realz. As tha cold lil' woo wop came ta its climax, Isaac busted along wit tha final verse, "Pop goes tha weasel," but not a god damn thang happened. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Isaac let up a sigh, "It aint nuthin but broken…" Dude placed tha box back down on tha edge of tha bed, n' shuffled across his fuckin lil' small-ass dusty room ta his fuckin lil' dresser where his schmoooove ass chizzled outta his soiled chillwear n' tha fuck into his usual tattered clothes.
Suddenly, Isaac heard a funky-ass bangin rattlin noise comin from tha bed behind his muthafuckin ass yo. Dude spun round ta witnizz tha wooden box violently bobbin. Then, without warning, tha top of tha box swung open n' a parade of colorful smoke n' confetti bellowed out. Isaac rubbed his wild lil' fuckin eyes up in disbelief of what tha fuck da thug was seein fo' realz. As tha smoke cleared, there stood a tall, thin, multicolored clown dude, wit bright red hair, a swirly, rainbow colored cone nose, n' feathery shouldaz dat sat atop his bangin raggedy n' colorful clown tracksuit.
Da Technicolor clown spread his thugged-out arms n' excitedly announced, "COME ONE, COME ALL! WHETHER BIG OR SMALL! TO SEE THE BEST CLOWN OF THEM ALL!! Da one, tha only, LAUGHING JACK-IN-A-BOX!!!"
Isaac’s eyes lit up, "W-Dum diddy-dum, here I come biaaatch! Who tha fuck is yo slick ass?" he asked.
Da colorful carnie stepped down off tha bed n' wit a aiiight grin holla'd, "I be glad you axed hommie! I be Bustin up Jack, yo' freshly smoked up playa FOR LIFE! I’m magical, I never git pissed wit playing, I’m a wiz all up in tha accordion, n' I adapt n' pimp wit yo' own changin personality… In other lyrics, whatever you like, I like!"
Isaac looked up all up in tha mysterious clown dude, "W-we're playas?" da perved-out muthafucka stuttered.
Jack looked all up in tha pimp while cockin a eyebrow, "FRIENDS, biatch? We BEST playaz muthafucka! I was specially pimped ta be YOUR not-so-imaginary playa, Isaac."
Isaac’s jaw dropped, "Yo ass know mah name?"
Jack let up a whimsical laugh, "Of course I know yo' name biaaatch! I know every last muthafuckin thang bout you, nahmean biiiatch, biatch? So, now dat tha introductions is outta tha way… How tha fuck would you like ta play a game of I Spy?"
Isaac grinned from ear ta ear, "REALLY, biatch? We can play games, biatch? I'd LOVE to! I-… Oh…"
Dude paused, "I-I cant… I gotta go downstairs ta peep mutha fo' cribschoolin n' chores…" his smile faded tha fuck into a look disappointment.
Jack placed his hand on Isaac’s shoulder n' wit a warm smile holla'd, "It aint nuthin but all gravy dawwwwg! I be bout ta be waitin right here fo' you when you git back." Isaac’s smile returned as he looked up at his freshly smoked up playa yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin'. Just then, dat schmoooove muthafucka heard his crazy-ass mother’s shrill voice callin his ass from downstairs.
"Well I gotta go! I be bout ta peep you afta I’m done, aiiight Jack?" Dude holla'd as dat schmoooove muthafucka headed toward tha door.
Jack smiled, "Absolutely kiddo! Oh, n' Isaac!"
Isaac looked back at Jack, whoz ass gave his ass a wink n' holla'd, "Yo ass should wear dat smile mo' often. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Well shiiiit, it suits yo thugged-out ass."
Isaac grinned happily as tha pimpin' muthafucka turned n' strutted up tha door.
All dizzle Isaac holla'd at his crazy-ass mutha bout tha dunkadelic colorful clown playa whoz ass came outta a magical box dat rocked up on tha foot of his bed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! His mother, however, did not believe a word of dat shit. Finally, he persuaded his crazy-ass mutha ta follow his ass up ta his bangin room so dat thugged-out biiiatch could behold Bustin up Jack fo' her muthafuckin ass. They strutted up tha stairs n' Isaac swung open tha door ta his bangin room.
"See mother, biatch? He’s right he-…" Isaac paused as da perved-out muthafucka scanned tha room dat contained neither magical ridin' dirty clown dude, nor mysterious wooden box. Isaac’s mutha was not amused. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Biatch gave Isaac a glare so menacin it made his knees weak n' his stomach sick.
"B-but mother… da thug was-" SMACK! Isaac’s mutha served up onto his ass a swift, hard smack across his wild lil' grill yo. His eyes fuckin started ta tear up, n' his fuckin lip fuckin started ta quiver as his schmoooove ass could feel his dirty ass bout ta break down.
"YOU STUPID INSOLENT CHILD! How tha fuck DARE you lie ta me bout such childish idiocy dawwwwg! Dum diddy-dum, here I come biaaatch! Who tha fuck would wanna be playaz wit a useless worm like fuckin yo slick ass?! Yo ass shall remain up in yo' room fo' tha rest of tha evening, n' shall receive no dinner... Now what tha fuck do you say you ungrateful wretch?"
Isaac managed ta swallow tha knot up in his cold-ass throat up in order mutta a reply, "T-fuck you ma'am." His mutha glared down at his ass fo' a moment before leavin tha room up in disgust.
Isaac kneeled over, buryin his wild lil' grill up in tha side of his bed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Streamz of tears ran down his cheeks as his thugged-out lil' punk-ass fuckin started ta weep. "What’s wack kiddo?" a voice called out. Isaac looked over ta tha edge of tha bed, where Bustin up Jack was now suddenly chillin beside his muthafuckin ass.
"Wh-where was yo slick ass?" Isaac murmured.
Jack ran his hand all up in Isaac’s afro ta comfort his ass as da perved-out muthafucka softly replied, "I was hiding… I can’t let yo' muthafathas peep me… Otherwise they won’t let our asses play no mo'." Isaac wiped tha tears from his wild lil' fuckin eyes.
"Look kiddo, I’m sorry I had ta hide yo, but I’ll make it up ta you, nahmean biiiatch, biatch? Because tonight we can play game n' have tonz of fun!" Jack holla'd, smiling.
Isaac looked up at his vibrant pal n' silently nodded, as a lil smile fuckin started ta form up in tha cornerz of his crazy-ass grill. That night, Bustin up Jack n' Isaac played all kindsa muthafuckin funk games. With a wave of his hand, Jack made all of Isaac’s tin soldaz sprang ta game n' march round tha room. Isaac was amazed as he peeped his cold-ass toys move round tha room on they own. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Then, Bustin up Jack n' Isaac holla'd at each other spooky pimp stories. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! Isaac axed Jack if da thug was a pimp yo, but Jack explained dat da thug was mo' of a cold-ass lil cosmic entity, of sorts fo' realz. At tha end of tha night, Jack reached tha fuck into his thugged-out lil' pocket n' pulled up a assortment of delicious candy. Isaac was up in ecstasy when he popped tha straight-up original gangsta colorful treat up in his crazy-ass grill, as dat shiznit was his fuckin last time tokin suttin' so dope. Isaac had so much funk n' laughed so hard dat night dat thangs seemed ta be finally lookin up fo' lil Isaac… At least, until tha incident dat occurred three months later…
Dat shiznit was pleasantly warm n' sunny up in London dat day, which was a lil' bit of a rarity. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So, wit tha help of a cold-ass lil certain not-so-imaginary playa, Isaac was able ta finish his chores early n' was allowed ta go outside n' play fo' a funky-ass bit. Things started simply enough, tha duo was back behind tha doggy den playin pirates, when Isaac spotted tha neighbors pussaaaaay sneakin tha fuck into they garden.
"YEARGH! WE GOT AN ENEMY SPY OFF THE STARBOARD BOW!" Isaac yelled, captivated by fantasy n' imagination.
"Yo ho! I be bout ta gets his ass Captain Isaac!" Exclaimed first dawg Jack, up in his dopest hearty pirate accent. Bustin up Jack’s arm stretched up across tha garden n' snatched tha unsuspectin feline, whoz ass fuckin started ta struggle like vigorously.
Jack’s grip on tha pussaaaaay tightened, n' his thugged-out arms grew n' extended like anacondas wrappin theyselves round tha wily feline as it struggled fo' dear game. Jack’s arms just kept squeezin tha animal, pressin tha air outta its lungs fo' realz. As tha once dear doggy den pet’s eyes fuckin started ta bulge outta they sockets, there came a funky-ass bangin SNAP! Jack quickly busted out tha creature from his wild lil' freakadelic grasp as its gameless furry husk thudded against tha ground. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! There was hush silence as tha two observed tha cat’s now twisted n' mangled corpse. Da silence was finally fucked up by a uproarious laughter… comin from Isaac…
"AHAHAHAHA Fuck dis shiznit son! I guess pussies straight-up DON’T have nine lives muthafucka! AHAHAHA!" Isaac exclaimed nearly teary eyed from laughter.
Bustin up Jack fuckin started ta chuckle as well, "Heh heh. Yeah… But won't you git up in shiznit if yo' mutha findz yo' neighbor’s pussaaaaay dead up in her garden?" Isaac’s laughta quickly subsided.
"Oh no! You’re right son! Um… I be bout ta just… throw it back tha fuck into tha neighbor’s yard?!" Isaac panicked as he grabbed a nearby shovel n' scooped up tha fucked up pussaaaaay cadaver before lobbin it over tha fence back tha fuck into tha neighbors yard. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! They quickly went back inside n' up tha fuck into Isaac’s room.
Bout a minute later, it came. Da ear piercin squawk of Isaac’s mutha shriekin his name from downstairs. Neither Jack nor Isaac holla'd a word as his schmoooove ass crept down tha stairs ridin' solo ta grill whatever wack fate was comin ta his muthafuckin ass. Jack could hear much yellin from downstairs but couldn’t make up what tha fuck was bein holla'd. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Afta bout thirty minutes, a teary eyed Isaac ascended tha stairs back up tha fuck into tha room.
"Well?" Jack axed nervously. Isaac just starred all up in tha ground as da perved-out muthafucka spoke, "I… Tried ta tell her dat shiznit was you whoz ass hurt tha cat… Biatch didn’t believe me… Said you weren’t real…" Jack frowned, knowin dis was all his wild lil' fault.
Isaac used his sleeve ta wipe away his cold-ass tears, "I’m bein busted off ta a funky-ass boardin school… I’m leavin tonight… n' you can’t come wit me…"
Bustin up Jack’s grill turned ta shock, "What?! I-I can’t come, biatch? Where will I go?" Isaac holla'd not a god damn thang but pointed over all up in tha dope colored box from where his wild lil' playa had originated.
"Back up in there, biatch? But I won't be able ta git up until…" Jack paused.
Isaac looked up as his only playa wit tears streamin down his wild lil' face, "Jack… I promise I’ll come back fo' you as soon as I can!" Jack looked all up in tha box, then back at Isaac.
"And I’ll be right here waitin fo' you kiddo." Jack smiled, as a single tear ran down his cheek yo. Dude strutted over ta tha box and, wit a puff of smoke, was sucked back in, unable ta be free until once again n' again n' again opened.
That night, Isaac was busted off ta boardin school. For tha last time, Bustin up Jack felt what tha fuck dat shiznit was like ta be lonely. Even when trapped up in his box, Jack was able ta peep tha thangs goin on round it, so each day, da thug waited fo' his wild lil' playa ta return, n' each dizzle tha room grew olda n' dustier n' shit. Bustin up Jack’s one purpose was ta be Isaac’s dopest playa fo' game, n' now dat schmoooove muthafucka had ta wait dizzle afta day, month afta month, ta reunite wit his special playa yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin'. Isaac’s muthafathas still lived up in tha crib yo, but never came ta tha upstairs room. Da only time they made they presence known was when Jack would hear dem fighting. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Still Jack’s game became one of solitude, loneliness, n' disappointment fo' realz. As muthafuckin years went by, Jack’s once bright vibrant flavas fuckin started ta fade tha fuck into a monochrome blur of pitch-black void n' stark white emptiness. Trapped all alone… eternal n' hopeless.
Thirteen muthafuckin years passed until tha night Isaac’s daddy came home particularly faded, n' gots tha fuck into a argument wit his hoe, as per usual. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Things blew tha fuck up ta physical violins once again, however dis time, her dope ass didn’t git back up. Isaac’s daddy had beaten his hoe ta a thugged-out dead, bloody pulp n' was sentenced ta hang all up in tha gallows tha next day. It make me wanna hollar playa! With both his thugged-out lil' muthafathas dead, dis meant dat tha now twenty-year-old Isaac inherited tha dusty oldschool doggy den da ruffneck dropped tha earlier half of his childhood in. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Bustin up Jack was like surprised when dat schmoooove muthafucka heard his oldschool playa’s footsteps struttin up tha stairs ta tha attic room fo' tha last time up in thirteen years, however dat shiznit was not tha reunion Jack had hoped for.
Isaac looked… different. Not only was he olda yo, but he also seemed ta possess dis odd, grim look on his wild lil' face. No longer was tha pimpin' muthafucka tha hopeful n' curious lil' pimp Jack first kicked it wit all dem muthafuckin years ago. Jack eagerly awaited Isaac’s releasin his ass from tha prison dat schmoooove muthafucka had waited up in fo' all kindsa muthafuckin muthafuckin years yo, but still Jack’s box sat there, untouched n' unnoticed on a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass shelf up in tha corner of tha room wit all tha other dusty, unwanted knick-knacks. Isaac had straight-up forgotten bout his oldschool playa, dissed n' dismissed as some sort of early childhood fabrication. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Surprisingly, dis made Bustin up Jack feel… not a god damn thang yo. Dude was hollow, thirteen muthafuckin yearz of waitin n' disappointment left tha monochrome clown void of sorrow n' self-pity. Jack remained up in his box, colorless n' without emotion.
Da next day, Isaac went off ta work at his thang as a upholsterer, bustin furniture repairs fo' tha phat playaz of London. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Jack waited up in captivitizzle yo. Hours later, a thugged-out fadeden Isaac returned home n' stumbled up tha stairs ta his bangin room yo, but dis time dat schmoooove muthafucka had a gangbangin' playa wit his muthafuckin ass. Dat shiznit was a lady playa Isaac had picked up all up in tha bar earlier dat evening. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Biatch was dope, wit flowin blonde hair, sapphire blue eyes, n' a smile dat could make hearts melt. Bustin up Jack’s attention was drawn ta Isaac’s guest, "Dum diddy-dum, here I come biaaatch! Who tha fuck is this, biatch? A freshly smoked up playa, biatch? Why do Isaac need freshly smoked up playas, biatch? I thought I was Isaac’s only playa?" Jack thought ta his dirty ass from within his hellish confinement. Isaac n' his fuckin lady playa sat down on tha bed n' chatted bout game up in London. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Isaac done cooked up a joke bout tha drizzle n' they both laughed.
Bustin up Jack hissed wit envy over Isaac’s freshly smoked up playa yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin'. Isaac n' tha hoe looked deeply tha fuck into each other’s eyes as they leaned up in fo' a kiss, lockin lips wit a horny swirlin of tongues up in one another’s grill. Jack was perplexed by dis strange display of affection, fo' dat schmoooove muthafucka had never peeped humpin' before fo' realz. As tha humpin' grew mo' intense, Isaac ran his hand along tha girl’s smooth thigh n' up her dress, however his wild lil' freakadelic hommie just brushed his hand away. Isaac was persistent though, n' once again n' again n' again ran his hand along her smooth thigh n' up her skirt, dis time placin his hand upon her silky undergarments, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. Da biatch took pimped out displeasure wit Isaac’s horny-ass advancements n' pushed Isaac away before deliverin a hard smack across his wild lil' face. Isaac’s eyes darkened as he glared all up in tha biatch, his once fadeden boner turned tha fuck into booze-fueled anger n' shit. Da biatch’s ass sped up as her big-ass booty saw Isaac’s grill boil wit rage.
"STUPID WHORE!" Isaac yelled as da perved-out muthafucka smashed his wild lil' fist tha fuck into tha girl’s face.
Bustin up Jack’s eyes widened as da thug witnessed tha long streakz of red liquid gushin from tha girl’s nose, "What game is this?" tha pimpin' muthafucka thought, his wild lil' fuckin eyes a virgin ta such violent sights, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. Isaac firmly clutched tha girl’s wrist wit one hand as tha pimpin' muthafucka tore her pantizzles off wit tha other.
Da terrified hoe tried ta fight back yo, but Isaac was overpowerin her n' shiznit yo. Dude roughly fondled her breasts, before savagely grabbin her afro n' forcin his cold-ass tongue down tha sobbin lil' biatch’s throat, whoz ass responded by chompin down as hard as dat thugged-out biiiatch could on Isaac’s tongue. Jack peeped wit wide n' curious eyes as his oldschool playa busted out his freshly smoked up playmate n' clutched his crazy-ass grill as it filled wit warm, red blood. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Da frightened hoe fell tha git tha fuck outta mah grill wit dat bullshit tha bed n' dropped down on tha floor as her big-ass booty scurried toward tha exit. Isaac quickly lurched forward n' was able ta catch his wild lil' fleein playthang by tha end of her dress.
Reachin back, da thug wielded a lead candlestick off tha nightstand beside him, n' wit all of his crazy-ass might bashed up in tha back of tha lil' biatch’s head, which burst open like a ripe watermelon. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Thick blood splattered across tha room as tha girl’s body convulsed on tha ground fo' nuff muthafuckin seconds, before goin straight-up still. Blood was everywhere, some droplets even managed ta git on Bustin up Jack’s box, whoz ass was straight-up much trippin' off tha show. For tha last time up in thirteen long years, a smile fuckin started ta creep across Bustin up Jack’s face, n' all of a sudden a cold-ass lil chuckle escaped his cold lips, then another, n' another, until Jack was cacklin n' howlin wit laughta from inside his sealed box.
"What a wonderfully fascinatin game!" Jack thought, as he peeped tha motionless girl’s golden blonde afro flow red wit blood.
As tha adrenaline fuckin started ta mellow, Isaac realized dat schmoooove muthafucka had ta dispose of tha body yo. Dude picked up tha girl’s gameless corpse n' plopped it on tha bed, tha pimpin' muthafucka then left tha room closin tha door behind his ass n' lockin it before leavin tha crib yo. Dude returned almost a gangbangin' full dizzle lata n' re-entered tha room brinin wit his ass a metal garbage can n' his ounce ta tha bounce of upholstery tools from work yo. Dude then cleared every last muthafuckin thang off tha wooden desk on tha wall opposite ta tha door, n' then dragged tha bed wit bloody corpse tha fuck into tha middle of tha room. This not only gave Isaac room ta work yo, but it also gave Bustin up Jack a gangbangin' front row seat ta tha whole spectacle. Jack peeped wit a funky-ass big, unfadin grin as Isaac played his freshly smoked up game wit tha soiled corpse. Once Isaac was all set up, he gots ta work.
First, da ruffneck dumped up tha contentz of his big-ass black tool bag onto tha worktable behind his muthafuckin ass fo' realz. An assortment of knives, hammers, pliers, n' other tools was now laid up before his muthafuckin ass yo. His first pick was curved upholstery knife, which he used ta carefully skin tha body. That skin was then placed on racks ta be stretched n' turned tha fuck into leather n' shit. Once dat was put up in place, Isaac then used a handsaw ta saw off tha arms, legs, n' head, disturbin tha home of nuff muthafuckin crewz of maggots up in tha process fo' realz. Afta fillin tha garbage can wit bleach n' other vile chemicals, da perved-out muthafucka submerged tha limbs until tha meat was stripped from tha bones. Isaac fished tha bones outta tha soupy corpse juice n' placed dem on tha worktable, then up in tha cover of night, his thugged-out lil' punk-ass brought tha trash can outside n' dumped tha rotten remains tha fuck into tha London sewers ta be swept away tha fuck into tha harbour.
For tha next three days, Bustin up Jack peeped wit wonderment as tha inspired Isaac crafted tha once human anatomy tha fuck into a grotesque armchair abomination. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Da femur was made tha fuck into tha back hairy-ass legz of tha chair, while tha tibia, wit tha feet still attached of course, was made tha fuck into tha front chair legs fo' realz. A wooden frame was used fo' tha base n' backin of tha chair, however tha rim of tha backin was crafted rockin tha spinal column. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Da arm bones was used as tha armz of tha chair, n' was fastened up in place by some ribs.
Da now leathery flesh was sewn onto tha seat n' backin of tha chair, n' tha golden blonde afro was braided tha fuck into a linin fo' tha base fo' realz. Atop dis armchair from hell sat tha skull dat once belonged ta tha hoe whoz ass had tha golden blonde hair, tha sapphire eyes, n' tha smile dat could melt hearts, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. Isaac was like pleased wit his work, n' Bustin up Jack too was impressed by his oldschool playmate’s profound creativitizzle fo' realz. Afta dat night, Isaac never touched another drop of brew again, fo' he now possessed a much mo' macabre thirst.
In tha followin weeks, Isaac made nuff muthafuckin improvements ta his fuckin lil workshop of horrors yo. Dude removed tha mattress from tha bed n' put a row of thick wooden planks up in its place, n' then he fastened arm n' leg restraints ta tha bottom n' sides. This would mean da thug would be able ta entertain his wild lil' freakadelic guests fo' a longer period without dem tryin any rude escape attempts, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. Isaac needed only one, final thang before plannin another grotesque party yo. Dude hit dat shiznit on it fo' a week straight, hand carvin it outta wood.
Afta a cold-ass lil coat of white paint was applied, Isaac’s creation was complete. Dat shiznit was a wooden mask, resemblin suttin' one would wear at a Venetian masquerade bizzle. Kick dat shit! Well shiiiit, it had a gangbangin' furrowed brow n' a long, troll-like nose, n' would allow his ass ta strike fear up in tha heartz of his beloved guests, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. With his freshly smoked up grill complete n' tha room transformed tha fuck into a funky-ass bloody cappin' nest, dat shiznit was finally time fo' Isaac Lee Grossman ta brang home a freshly smoked up playmate.
That followin night, Bustin up Jack peeped it as tha maxed Isaac Grossman stomped up tha stairs, carryin wit his ass a big-ass burlap sack wit his newest hommie writhang within. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. Dude dumped tha bag up on his cold-ass torture bed, n' up plopped a funky-ass bound, gagged, n' straight-up frightened lil' boy, probably only five or six muthafuckin years old. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Isaac quickly undid tha boy’s bindings n' held his ass down as he restrained his handz n' feet ta tha steel bedframe. Tears streamed endlessly down tha boy’s helpless lil face, as Isaac laid up his cold-ass tools on tha workbench. Isaac returned wieldin a pair of rusty pliers, n' wastin no time da perved-out muthafucka slid tha bottom jaw of tha pliers under tha boy’s fingernail on his bangin right index finger n' clamped it tightly. Da child’s eyes quivered as his thugged-out lil' punk-ass fuckin started mutterin all up in his wild lil' freakadelic gag, beggin Isaac ta let his ass go. Isaac smirked as da perved-out muthafucka slowly bent tha pliers backward, painfully pryin off tha straight-up original gangsta fingernail.
Da pimp screamed all up in his wild lil' freakadelic gag as da thug writhed up in agony on tha wooden boards, his wild lil' finger beginnin ta gush wit blood. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Isaac then moved on ta tha boy’s middle finger, firmly graspin tha nail wit tha rusty pliers. Once again, he jerked tha pliers back yo, but dis time tha nail only tore off half way. Da pimp yelped up in pain as his wild lil' fingers twitched n' blasted wit blood. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Clampin tha half pried off nail, Isaac gave it another yank. Da nail tore off yo, but not without takin a phat deal of skin tissue wit dat shit. Even Isaac was a lil' bit rebuffed by dis fucked up sight, unlike tha spyin Bustin up Jack whoz ass was cacklin wit joy all up in tha disturbin action as he peeped from within his oldschool dusty box.
Isaac moonwalked back ta tha workbench n' swapped tha pliers fo' a big-ass iron hammer n' shiznit yo. Dude then made his way ta tha foot of tha torture bed, where wit one hand dat schmoooove muthafucka held down tha boy’s left leg yo. Dude raised tha hammer high above his head as tha pimp cried n' pleaded fo' mercy all up in his fuckin lil' dirty gag, then wit all his crazy-ass might, Isaac slammed tha hammer down on ta tha boy’s bare kneecap, shatterin tha bone tha fuck into gravel wit a funky-ass bangin CRACK! Da lil pimp convulsed up in pain wit shrill screams mufflin all up in tha cloth gag tied tightly ta his wild lil' face.
As tha lil pimp struggled wit intense pain, Isaac placed tha hammer down on tha wooden bed n' returned once mo' ta tha workbench where he equipped his dirty ass wit a long-ass sharp knife. Without delay his thugged-out lil' punk-ass fuckin started carvin tha lyrics "Useless Worm" tha fuck into tha child’s quiverin chest. When he finished tha pimp was barely conscious. Isaac knelt down n' whispered tha fuck into tha boy’s ear, "This is what tha fuck happens ta rotten lil pimps whoz ass make nasty faces at people…"
Da child’s eyes filled wit tears one final time as Isaac fuckin started ta carve tha skin off tha boy’s grill yo, but ta Isaac’s surprise tha pimp still clung ta game. Da mutilated lil pimp just stared up at Isaac wit his big-ass round eyes, which filled Isaac’s black ass wit rage n' hatred.
"EVEN WITHOUT A FACE YOU'RE STILL AN UGLY LITTLE SHIT!!" Isaac shouted as he picked up tha hammer from tha foot of tha bed n' fuckin started ta bash tha skanky boy’s skull in.
Dude smashed it over n' over, until dat shiznit was not a god damn thang but a funky-ass bloody caved up in mass of flesh, pourin wit thick, red blood n' oozin up chunkz of dome matter n' shit. From across tha room, Bustin up Jack gleefully observed tha grand finale, which had lived up ta his wild lil' fuckin expectations like wonderfully.
Isaac’s next hommie was a funky-ass blind oldschool biatch whom dat schmoooove muthafucka had invited over fo' some tea. Well shiiiit, it took her almost five minutes ta realize tha chair dat biiiiatch was chillin on was crafted rockin human remains, n' another 6 minutes ta find tha stairs, only ta topple down dem flailin n' beatboxin like a loon. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Isaac decided ta end tha wack joke there wit a simple ice pick all up in her eye socket.
Afta that, his thugged-out lil' punk-ass brought over a lil hoe whom he force-fed fucked up glass before rockin her stomach as a punchin bag fo' realz. As tha weeks went by, mo' n' mo' unlucky souls kicked it wit they end up in Isaac Grossman’s attic, n' as tha mad Grossman’s personalitizzle became mo' dark n' sadistic, Bustin up Jack’s personalitizzle followed suit while he rotted within his fuckin lil' dusty box… until one straight-up cold December night.
Da rusty nails dat was holdin up tha shelf of forgotten knick-knacks finally gave way n' tha whole thang plummeted ta tha ground. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Isaac heard tha bangin thud from downstairs, n' decided ta climb up ta tha attic ta investigate yo. Dude strutted across tha blood stained wood floor of tha attic, over toward tha fallen shelf. Isaac brushed aside a shitload of tha trinkets dat broke up in tha crash, when he finally came across tha Jack-in-a-box from his childhood. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Isaac barely recognized tha old, tattered box as he picked it up n' blew off a shitload of tha dust. Then, fo' whatever nostalgic reason, da ruffneck decided ta grasp tha box’s rusty clank n' begin turnin dat shit.
A horribly off key Pop Goes Da Weasel clanked from tha worn up oldschool box, n' as it reached its climax, Isaac sung along wit tha final verse, "Pop goes tha weasel…" Da top of tha box swung open yo, but not a god damn thang happened, dat shiznit was empty. Isaac expected as much, n' tha pimpin' muthafucka tossed tha oldschool box up in tha garbage wit tha other fucked up knick-knacks fo' realz. Afta tha mess was cleaned up, da thug went ta open tha door ta go back downstairs yo, but dat shiznit was stuck. Isaac pulled hard but tha door wouldn't budge. Just then dat schmoooove muthafucka heard da most thugged-out wack raspy voice call up from behind his muthafuckin ass.
"IsSsaAac…" A cold jolt ran down Isaac’s spine n' tha hairs on tha back of his neck stood straight up as da perved-out muthafucka slowly turned around… All tha way across tha room by tha garbage can stood tha nightmarish Bustin up Jack yo. Dude was straight-up monochrome, his crazy-ass mangled black afro hung down up in twisted locks, sharp jagged teeth decorated his cold-ass twisted grin, n' his thugged-out arms hung down like a ragdoll wit his wild lil' freakadelic grotesquely long fingers nearly scrapin tha floor.
Then, wit a funky-ass bone chilling, raspy voice, tha fiendish clown spoke, "How tha fuck sick it is ta finally be free!... Did yo dirty ass miss me Isaac?"
Isaac was paralyzed up in fear, "b-but I thought you weren't real… IMAGINARY?!" Isaac stuttered. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Jack replied wit a long-ass horrifyin cackle.
"HAHAHAHA! Oh I be like real kiddo… In fact, I've been waitin such a long-ass time fo' dis dizzle ta finally come… When I can fuck wit mah dopest playa fo' game… One. Last. Time!" Before Isaac could reply, Jack’s long arms stretched across tha room n' wrapped round Isaac’s legs.
Da twisted clown fuckin started pullin his ass closer, draggin his ass onto his own wooden torture bed as Isaac’s fingernails scraped along tha floor. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Ignorin tha restraints, Jack swiftly grabbed 4 three-inch long iron nails from tha workbench n' pressed dem straight all up in of Isaac’s handz n' feet, nailin his ass ta tha wooden torture bed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Isaac growled up in pain as da perved-out muthafucka shouted at his captor, "AAAH! FUCK YOU! GOD DAMN CLOWN NOSED FREAK!!"
Bustin up Jack just chuckled, as he forcefully held Isaac’s head up in place stating, "If you can't say suttin' sick, then don’t say anythang at all!" Jack reached his fuckin long crooked fingers tha fuck into Isaac’s grill, firmly graspin his cold-ass tongue n' stretchin it up as far as it could go. Da clown then reached back n' grabbed a long-ass sharp knife from tha table n' slowly fuckin started ta slice all up in tha meat of Isaac’s tongue. Once lobbed off, Isaac’s grill fuckin started ta overflow wit blood. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Jack responded by shovin a lil' small-ass cylindrical metal tube trough Isaac’s throat ta act as a temporary breathang hole fo' realz. At dis point Isaac was already up in pimped out pain, n' had his wild lil' fuckin eyes clenched shut ta avoid seein tha sickenin horrors dat was bein performed upon his body.
"Come on, itz no funk if you don’t watch!" Bustin up Jack holla'd playfully yo, but Isaac kept his wild lil' fuckin eyes tightly shut. Bustin up Jack sighed, "Suit yo ass." Jack then forcibly held open one of Isaac’s eyes yo. Dude reached back wit his big-ass arm n' took up some long pointy fishin hooks from tha workbench. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Slowly Jack pushed tha sharp end of tha hook all up in tha top eyelid straight all up in tha bottom of tha eyebrow n' up tha top, permanently pinnin it open. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Then, tha pimpin' muthafucka took up a second hook pushin it all up in tha bottom eyelid n' pinnin it ta tha cheek. Jack repeated tha process ta tha other eye, n' before long, a seriez of sharp metal hooks made shizzle Isaac didn’t miss up on any of tha action. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Bustin up Jack then took tha same knife dat schmoooove muthafucka had used ta lob off Isaac’s tongue n' fuckin started ta focus on tha removal of Isaac’s lips. Jack carefully sliced two long stripz of flesh off of Isaac’s upper n' lower grill, causin his cold-ass teeth n' gums ta be straight-up exposed.
"Hmm… be lookin like one of mah thugs hasn’t been flossin regularly…" Bustin up Jack cackled under his breath, as he reached back n' grabbed tha hammer n' shit. Isaac attempted ta mutta some kind of beg fo' mercy, however only gurgled moans escaped his cold-ass throat. Jack raised dat hammer tha fuck into tha air and, wit a twisted grin, da perved-out muthafucka slammed it down, givin off a funky-ass bangin CRACK as tha iron hammer shattered Isaac’s teeth like brittle clay. Jack dropped tha hammer n' fuckin started ta howl wit laughta as tha pimpin' muthafucka tore open Isaac’s shirt. Takin tha sharpest knife, Jack cut straight down Isaac’s chest all tha way down past tha stomach. Isaac groaned wit sharp stingin pain as tha monochrome monsta wormed his wretched fingers underneath tha skin on Isaac’s chest, peelin it back as da thug was bout ta preform his wack live autopsy.
First, Jack fuckin started ta pull up Isaac’s intestines up in tha same manner a magician would pull a seriez of colorful cloths outta his thugged-out lil' pocket. Then, afta snippin off a lil' small-ass length of intestines, Jack pressed one end against his cold black lips n' fuckin started blowin air tha fuck into tha foul organ. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Once inflated, tha pimpin' muthafucka twisted it up tha fuck into tha shape of a poodle, n' wit a funky-ass bangin chuckle exclaimed, "I can do giraffes too!" Isaac remained still up in pain n' shock, as tha clown creature gently placed tha macabre balloon animal beside Isaac’s head.
For his next trick, Bustin up Jack reached deep tha fuck into Isaac’s open stomach cavitizzle n' yanked up one of his kidneys yo. Holdin it up in his hand, Jack turned ta his captizzle playa n' shrugged statin that, "kidneys straight-up aren’t mah thang..." Tossin tha organ aside Bustin up Jack noticed dat Isaac was beginnin ta drift tha fuck into dirtnap.
"Feelin chillaxed already, biatch? Why, we nearly all up in tha grand finale!" Bustin up Jack exclaimed as he reached tha fuck into his sleeve n' pulled up a long-ass adrenaline needle. "This ought ta perk you RIGHT up!" Jack shouted as da perved-out muthafucka slammed tha needle tha fuck into Isaac’s retina n' injected tha liquid tha fuck into his bangin right eye socket. Jack wiggled n' twisted tha needle further tha fuck into his oldschool playmate’s eyeball, as Isaac was reeled back tha fuck into game ta tha feelin of a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass sharp needle scrapin tha back of his wild lil' fuckin eye socket. With a sinista chuckle, Jack yanked tha needle out, pullin tha eyebizzle up wit dat shit. Isaac’s right eye now hung outta its socket by tha eyestalk as it dribbled down tha side of his wild lil' face.
Jack smirked, "Well, now dat I have yo' full attention…" Da insidious clown then took his fuckin long, crooked index finger n' poked a hole up in Isaac’s stomach. Jack lowered his head down toward tha open chest cavitizzle n' stretched his crazy-ass grill open wide. Within seconds, a torrent of filthy cockroaches started crawlin outta tha clown’s gullet, spillin onto Isaac’s open chest. Each vile roach crawled n' pushed its way tha fuck into tha lil' small-ass openin up in Isaac’s stomach, fillin it from within full of disgustin writhang bugs fo' realz. As his stomach became bloated wit bugs, tha roaches fuckin started ta scurry up his cold-ass throat, squeezin they way outta his crazy-ass grill n' nasal cavity.
Isaac was inches from dirtnap when his captor kneeled beside his ass n' was rappin tha fuck into his wild lil' fuckin ear, "It’s been a funky-ass blast kiddo yo, but it be lookin like our time together be bout up. No need fo' tears though, cuz I plan ta spread mah thang ta all tha lonely lil playaz of tha ghetto!" n' wit dat holla'd, Bustin up Jack reached tha fuck into Isaac’s chest n' yanked up his still whoopin ass.
As his wild lil' freakadelic game bled up on dat cold wooden bed, Isaac’s game flashed before his wild lil' fuckin eyes yo. Dude saw his crazy-ass mother, his wild lil' father, tha boardin school, his suckas, n' tha last thought dat fluttered all up in his crazy-ass mind, waz of dat straight-up special Chrizzle where da thug raised up ta find tha dopely hand carved wooden box dat contained his straight-up first playa...
There is rumors that, when tha five-o finally found Isaac Grossman’s rotten, maggot infested corpse weeks lata on Chrizzle Eve, dat even though his wild lil' grill had been bashed n' torn ta bits… Dude almost looked… Happy.